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WTF?? How Petty Can Some People Be? I'll Tell You...

Monday - 6/16/08

This is a letter from me to a couple of people who just had to complain to the boss about something they know nothing about. It may sound bad to everyone else but this is a blog and I'm going to vent my frustrations regarding the following subject. My apologies to everyone else.

Today, the day shift was extra dead. That's just business, I guess, so I went about my day doing other cleaning.

The reason I mention "cleaning", is due to my finding out that some of the other bartenders are upset about money. Very little money, I might add, but honestly earned.

No-one, except the boss, appreciates the work I do for a few extra pennies. When I arrive for the day shift, I start the day cleaning up after the night shift. The glasses are all washed and hand dried, the sticky ass bar is cleaned, the floor is swept and mopped, the mats behind the bar are taken up and mopped on both sides (also sticky) and the floor is washed before I put them back. I take care of the empties (by emptying them. Nobody likes a beer bath with old stale beer, especially the delivery guys who pick them up), and put them in the correct boxes (which should be done by the person who served them the night before, not too difficult but I guess laziness prevails)

These things I mentioned above are not even close to the amount of chores I perform on my shift. Why do I do all this cleaning you ask? I do it so that the bar will be ready for the night shift. Cleaned, stocked, juices filled, beer iced and all that other stuff is not for my benefit. If I have time, and I usually do, I try to make it easier for the next person so they can just come in and work. And what do I get for it? I get people complaining that I earn a pittance more than they do. Let's not even mention that I don't have as many customers during the day shift and make a lot less in tips than the night shift.

Sometimes I feel more like a maid cleaning up after teenagers than I do a bartender.

Here's my solution: I will take a pay cut, only do basic cleaning for my own benefit, not worry about refilling the juice bottles (my day guys drink mostly beer anyway) so that when the night shift comes in they'll have to take care of it themselves while they have customers at the bar wanting immediate service. Let's see how everyone likes walking around on sticky bar mats, touching sticky surfaces, serving drinks out of dirty, spotted glasses and whatever else I do to make other people's lives easier. That's right, you won't like it!!

Here's my advice: Get over yourselves and grow up. The initial complaint about money (I can barely get a gallon of gas with this "money") is petty and makes the complainers sound very greedy, not to mention ungrateful.

I'm laying it all out here. I do my job to the best of my ability, responsibly, professionally and cleanly. If you object to my working at the bar, well, that's tough, deal with it. I'm not leaving unless the boss asks me to and I will never be as considerate as I have been to the complainers (yes, I know who you are) so be prepared to reap what you sow. Crybabies.....So much for teamwork, respect and good work ethics. You have none of these qualities. I'm disgusted with you so you're on your own.

Later for you two....



SD said...

Enjoyed reading about the "behind the scenes" stuff at the place with the stolen name. Reads more like what the true nature of this blog was intended to be, instead of being utilized strictly as a tool to entice customers to come back.

Personally, I think you are much brighter than the ilk that jerk beer taps and serve the suds to those looking for an escape hatch in the bottom of their glass.

You have business sense, it is apparent. You should be doing things for you. Making money for you. In a business run and owned by you!

Sorry, just my two cents.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the encouraging words. I am trying to get to the dirt without doing damage to innocent onlookers.

The customers are coming back and this may or may not be due to the "tool" I've been using. Face it, no customers, no drama.

As far as my business sense goes, I appreciate your opinion but I am more of a loyal manager without a title or much compensation for my troubles. A partnership is more for me. I need to have someone around who can do math and also to bounce ideas off of.

Your two cents are worth millions to me.

Also, edit this part out, can you publish RJ's and my comments please. I've noticed some of them never appear. Any comment is better than none. I mostly comment to hopefully make other people comment, so, no matter how stupid some of my comments are maybe others will comment on my comments (lost in translation?).