Bar Stories Wanted

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Better Days

So, I realize that you've all been anxiously waiting for new chatter since last week (LOL because I don't think anyone cares). Here it is:

Memorial Day - well, at least Dave showed up. He was very good company, he talked about most or all of the wars this country fought and I listened. Actually, he is extremly knowledgeable and I learned more that day than I did in school. If the educational system would teach children the truth then maybe kids would appreciate their freedom and how important it is to honor our veterans. These days Memorial Day is just a day off from school and maybe a barbecue.

Old Man Charlie didn't show up which surprised me. Now that he is 89 years old and a WWII veteran, (let's face it, he is part of history that is not going to be here forever) I was sorry he didn't come in. I later found out that he just stayed home. Being old and alone/lonely must suck.

Dave invented a new version of the infamous Black and Tan he bitched about for so long. I'll let him tell you about it but it made him happy and me too. He's good people.

On Wednesday that week I arranged for "Mr. E" to let a young man have an impromtu birthday party for his friend. The young man stated that 25 people would attend (and they did). For some reason, "Mr. E" didn't really want to do this but I managed to convince him and he agreed. I saw it as a good opportunity to gain new patrons even if he broke even. Just doing this for these gentlemen is more lucrative than not doing it. (Jack would have never agreed to this arrangement because of greed, "Mr. E" agreed to it after thinking of the long run) 25 people having a good time at the "Lounge" where the owner is obliging will absolutley return with their friends and maybe their friends friends. You get it.

Rosa worked the party and did well. I know "Mr. E" did pretty good himself even if he won't admit it to me (Machismo) and the party goers will tell people about the bar and the good time they had that night.

Thursday - The reason I know they all had a blast is because Thursday morning the neighbor across the street (Stewart St) came in. He was not happy. He complained about the loud music (okay, so 1:00 a.m. is a little late for loud music when you have to get up for work in the morning), the cigarette butts and trash in the street and on his property and a broken beer bottle in his driveway.

After letting him vent his frustrations on me, I apologized profusley and told him I would let "Mr. E" know about the situation. I didn't promise but I reassured that it would not happen again (when he said to me, "I'm going to keep this in house", which I know means that he doesn't want to involve the 4th precinct and make problems for the bar I knew exactly who I was dealing with. I don't want him as an enemy of the bar ever) and went outside to assess the damage.

What I saw was a full bottle of beer that we don't carry, a bunch of trash in the street from CVS and a lot of cigarette butts. Not wanting to argue with him about the beer we don't carry and trash in the street consisting of Q-Tips, water bottles, lotion bottles and other pharmacy crap, I caved. So here I am sweeping the street, like an asshole, and bagging up all the drug store refuse that the landscapers probably used the blower for to rid CVS's grounds of trash and move it to the surrounding area. made him shut up. The butts, well, I guess those are bar related and we should take responsibility for them. I'll clean them up but some cooperation would be appreciated. Use the ashtrays located by the front and back doors. Respect the neighbors as if they were your parents (no shouting outside after 11:00) and never toss empties out of a moving car (you might kill a cat or something) [that was a joke]. The back door has to be closed at 11:00 so the neighbors can live their lives and we can have trouble free drunken fun without worrying about legalities. (I know, I sound like a babysitter, sorry...)

Friday sucked.

Thank heavens that week ended.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just read my own post and realized I forgot to spell check. Please excuse my spelling.