Bar Stories Wanted

Do you have a great bar story that you would like to see featured at 1762 Broadway?

Drop us an EMAIL with the juicy details to get it posted.



I always know when I've stayed up too late. Usually, it's when some TV show like "The Twighlight Zone" comes on or some other program (if it's an infomercial then you know it's way too late to be awake) from another lifetime is being aired. Anyway, it's not that late (1:00 a.m.) but I still feel the urge to be horizontal, I'm just not tired yet. This beats the alternative - tossing and turning, my mind racing about anything and everything and then there is the clock watching. Drives me nuts.

There is not much for me to write about. The bar has been quiet for me this week but I'm told that all the bars are slow right now. Weird because the last two weeks weren't bad for me at all. I guess when gasoline and beer cost the same (not beer by the gallon, though) then people can't afford to drink and fill up the car also. ($60.00 to fill my pig) We all have to get to work somehow and that's the priority. Stupid economy, it's making me broke.

I hope to be busier soon. I'm really bored and I feel stagnant. It's like I'm getting stupider by the day. Anyone else feeling dumber?

Maybe something will change and I'll be able to write about it. Wanted: DRAMA PLEASE


Anonymous said...

Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.

You want drama?

The summer is just beginning!

Anonymous said...

don't HAPPY!

Anonymous said...

Tell me about it oh wise one. Thursdays shift change was widely (pun intended, wish I had my camera) dramatic. I am itching to write about it but don't want to sink into the shallow waters I wade in. Maybe a little nudge from someone else will do the trick? Shoud I? Shouldn't I? Decisions, decisions. Whatever will I do? RRRRRRR