Bar Stories Wanted

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Looking Back & Forward - Rise of the Lounge

Better Than Ever

A Post By Ruby

White roses can mean many things to many different people. They can symbolize new beginnings, or be a sign of farewell. They can convey feelings of love, friendship, respect and hope.
Edited by RJ
Commentary by RJ

Thankfully (finally), all of Mr. E's hard work and the dedication of this loyal staff has seemed to pay off. Not to disregard the economic condition of our country and our president's nervous and panicked look while trying to reassure us that everything is going to be alright (his eyes seem to be getting closer together every time he speaks to the nation [bad liar?] and we all can sense something is wrong and he feels guilty about it).

When the first week of panic ended (Monday, Columbus Day), business at the Lounge was looking up. Monday (Columbus Day), the day business was showing a little bit of progress. Tuesday and Wednesday were not awful either. Thursday was the breakthrough we needed (my best day ever since the old owner sold the Tavern). Finally, we broke over instead of being minus (embarrassing and depressing to show a negative $4.00 to your boss and barely making shift pay).

Monday, thanks to the holiday and "Dino", we didn't do half bad. "Dino" also hung out on Wednesday and spent a lot of cash, bought the bar a few rounds and although he got a bit drunk and pissed off at "Evie", he did not pick up the pool table (of course I caught that moment and forbade him to do it, and he listened, thankfully).

I had to speak to RJ about Thursday. This day was tough for me emotionally. Thursday, 5 firemen from Brooklyn came in early (after a funeral of one of their fallen 9/11 brothers sons who passed due to cancer [RIP] at a very young age) to drink beer and toast both father and son. A sad day for them, but I had mixed feelings, I was glad to be there for them even in my non-significant role as bartender. I hurt for them, I didn’t quite know how to feel. RJ reflected on this when I spoke to him, of course he got kind of deep.

“The Church and the Bar are the first and last refuge for hurting hearts and not necessarily in that order. The bar is where some come to sit quietly and calmly float away in their beer. Some bring friends to share their pain and grief, no matter how proper, decent, comforting or righteous the ‘religious ceremony’ was for the departed. The bar is where quite a few tortured, grief scalded souls end up.

Having a bartender who understands that can be a good thing for the bar and the patrons, for the patrons in feeling comfortable to grieve with friends and strangers, for the bar in providing sensitivity and empathy enough to be a place where more patrons stay and buy drinks.”

“The ‘Lounge’ should never use someone’s grief as a means to seek a profit opportunity, but a sharp bartender should make every effort to make the hurting feel like the ‘Lounge’ is their place and to encourage other patrons to be supportive. It starts and ends with the bartender. Back in 2002 Bear had a night where a few bikers came to drink to their departed friend. Bear made them feel like they were his family. Before you knew it the place was jammed and stayed that way all night. Bear rang up nearly two grand for the bar.” “Kindness and Empathy are assets to a good bartender” said RJ.

Two other people came in, one an older woman bartender from Freeport's Nautical Mile and her perverted older gentleman (?) friend, very nice, down to earth people. Then there were two younger people from Lindenhurst and a bunch of other people I have never seen before, not to mention all my regular customers who were there. If ever there was a time that I needed reassurance, Thursday pulled through for me. Friday, although busy early in the day, was only okay. I know this was because I was busy for four days before, moving quickly and thriving on it.

Given the way things have been I wasn't feeling very wanted lately but, "Que Sera, Sera". I am a loyal, honest, team player for Mr. E, and he appreciates it. I'm not just all about the "Benjamins", success is prosperity for the boss and the bartender. Given the turn in business and the growing clientele, the return of the regulars and the new attitude from the change in the scenery and feel of the ‘Lounge’, I am seeing that things really are ‘better than ever’.

From RJ:
For the 'Lounge' its a time of new beginnings but this is still a place where we don't forget those who have gone from time or support friends and neighbors when they are down. I hope for all of us 'Lounge' goers things get 'better than ever.'



Bear On Religion

BEAR vs Bullsh*t

"Let me get this straight don't have to be straight or have a wife because Jesus died for your sins and accepts you the way you are, right?" Bear looked at Benny from across the table staring out of the ornate window of the old Bar in the Backwoods of Tennessee. Benny said, "Well, my Pastor told me that God accepts me for who I am, and I'm gay."

"Is your Pastor fucking you in the ass? What religion are you involved in? I wanna know if I have a cult member living in my house," said Bear rolling his cigar around in his mouth. "You have a gay man living in your house who has found Jesus, halalujah..." Benny turned his wrist down and waved his head back and forth, before he could say another word Bear said, "I hope Jesus finds you another house to live in, I don't care what Star says...YOUR OUT OF MY HOUSE."

"God doesn't like ugly Bear." "SHUT UP AND LISTEN, you don't know what God likes because if God doesn't like ugly he sure as hell can't accept you." “Benny, I don’t know how the fuck you think you can impose your new beliefs on me, in my house when you don’t know what the fuck you believe yourself, you make no sense.”

“Bear its not about sense, its about faith, the end of the world is coming soon and when Jesus gets here non-believers like you are gonna go straight to hell.” “Really, based on what, tell me Benny?” “Based on the Bible Bear….” “STOP RIGHT FUCKING NOW! Show me where it says in the Bible I’m a non-believer, you don’t know what I believe…show me where it says in the Bible I’m going to hell.”

“Well, I’m new to my faith, but my Pastor says….” “STOP. I gotta get out of here before I leave you for dead.” Bear paid his tab and started for the door when Benny burst into tears. The barmaid looked over at Bear and Benny and assumed they were a couple breaking up. “Yall havin a lovers quarrel." Bear said “I’m no fudge packer and this faggot can cry in his beer, I’ll be outside waiting for Skippy.” (Skippy is the local Deputy Sheriff).

“Sugar you ought not leave that sweet little man all broke up like that, what would Jesus do?” The bartender, a redneck milf looked at Bear with a plea of compassion in her eyes. Bear was in the twilight zone and he knew it. He is in the backwoods of the deep south, in a redneck bar, talking to a gay black man who fell on hard times, that is living in his house because Bear’s wife wants to help him. Now he is in a discussion about ‘religion’ in an empty bar with the same queer.

Bear was loud, clear and steady, “First off, to discuss the Bible you need to know what’s in it not what someone tells you what’s in it. Next, who is this ‘Pastor’ that’s telling you the end of the world is in a few weeks or months and to sell your possessions and give him the money? Did you ask where he went to theology school, what faith he professes, who ordained that minister? Did you Benny? “

“No! He must be a minister, he has a Bible, stands in the Pulpit, and has a black robe…” “Benny, listen! Listen real good, shut your mouth and listen. How is it a man you assume is a Pastor, a minister of God would advise you to judge anyone? Next, think about this, somebody tells you not to pay your rent, not to pay your bills, but to bring your living to his so called ‘Church’ and disregard the people you are in debt to. Is that a Christian thing to do?”

The bartender had brought Bears tonic water to the table and brought Benny a beer. By now Skippy showed up in his Sheriff’s car and found a place to sit down and listened as Bear continued to go off. “Now Benny, doesn’t it say in the Bible that homosexuality is a sin and those that are faggots will die in their sin.?” “My Pastor would have told us if that was in the Bible, Bear…so its not.” “It is too faggot, Romans 1:18-32” said Bear. Benny eyes rattled.

“Oh yeah Benny, I know that lowlife Jackleg womanizing sodomite you call a Pastor, I also know something about the Bible because I have a real good spiritual advisor. Let me get to the point real quick so your ignorant fag ass can see clearly. You are the sinner living in sin, so am I, but I put a roof over your head, feed you when your hungry, encourage you when you get upset and give you good advise about how to get your life unfucked.”

Skippy was joined in the bar by his brother, Bubba Ray as Bear now broke into a sermon. “Charity begins at home Benny. I don’t know all the details of your fucked up life, but we swung open the door to our home and helped you out because everyone in this community would shoot you just as soon look at you because of your homo queer assed life. Charity is doing right by the suffering and lowly not out of pity but because it’s the most right thing to do.”

Bear fired up his cigar and took a long drag. Benny was about to open his mouth when Bear again said, “I’m not finished faggot…I don’t like the way you live, I don’t like the way you act, I don’t like the things you say and I don’t like the so called Church you go to…but I will help you live the way you want because you are an American living in America. Maybe my example will encourage you to give up your deviate fudge packing ways and get a woman. That’s what Jesus would do. Wouldn’t he?”

Bubba Ray shouted “Hell Yeah”. “Amen, Amen, Amen, Hallelujah, proclaimed the bartender. Benny blushed in shame and said he would meet Bear at his house after work and start moving out. Bear said, “You got a month, also go to Churches where the Minister is a man of God and not an ex-con looking to screw anything that walks into his so called Church. Benny’s face lost color as he covered his mouth (his ‘Pastor had sex with him). Bear left with Skippy and Bubba Ray.

Bear got on the phone and recounted this incident to me after he and Star did some talking. “I can’t believe he is so gullible, so ignorant, RJ, why do people fall for the shit dished out by so called Ministers who are just con-men, crooks and scumbags?” “Bear, when a life comes apart people will fall into all kinds of trouble, and find themselves under the spell of someone or group who tells them what they want to hear but do things to entrap them into living a lie.”

“RJ, what do you think about this?” “Well Bear, lets see, you and your wife, former New Yorkers are harboring an admitted homosexual who is involved in a cult, which came after living with a big fat sex addicted white woman who had orgies on a regular basis. Benny, a gay little black guy, was found standing over that same white woman who was covered in semen by several black men, this gay fool got himself laid out in the street by the Sheriff and kicked out of his trailer. With all the 'righteous folk' in his world you took him in Bear.” “What’s your point RJ?

“From the outside looking in this is weird shit Bear, none of the “Church People” helped him but the heathens from New York did. You may damn sure hate gays, homo’s, faggots and fudge packers of all types but you need to find a better way to show it. You don’t want anybody down here mistaking you for a “Christian” do you?” “Eat me RJ.” “Be careful Bear…its rubbing off.”



A Shout Out to An Old Time Technician

Richie the Kraut

This is a post by Ruby

The Staff
and Patrons
of the "Broadway Lounge" would like to show our appreciation and thank Richie "The Kraut" for his knowledge of refrigeration. Believe it or not, this guy is a genius. He has to be if he could repair the mess that Mr. E acquired with the purchase of the bar.

Just for props he does repairs on the following:

Draft Beer Systems
Restaurant Equipment
Walk-in Coolers
Deli & Pizza Equipment
Solar Energy Systems

His company name is "Universal Repair Service" and he does repairs 24/7 (if he's able)
The phone number for repair is (516) 859-1959

If he could fix the "Ancient Dives" draft beer & refrigeration mess, well, need we say more?

Thanks Again Richie


Now and Then - A Before & After

This is a post by Ruby

Before, during and until the present I had been taking pictures of the improvements that Mr. E has made to the "Lounge" . I know I had mentioned certain upgrades that were made recently, but when you see the photos you will realize how much time, effort and money he has put into this place to make it more comfortable for all his patrons.

The above picture is the "old pool table" left by the former owner(s) before the renovation. The below picture is the new pool table (new slate, new bumpers, new neon blue felt).

Also the whole north wall of the bar has new brickface and the bars walls have been repainted and worked on. Mr. E. has found about 15 square feet of new bar space on the south wall, stained and varnished to preserve the early 50's feel of the bar in a new 'retro' kind of way. Below is how the establishment looked after it was stripped bare by the departing ownership.

The green walls are gone and the new look is a base beige that brings light and life into the new Lounge as you can see in the picture below.

(An old WW2 Veteran having a brew and enjoying one of the new flat screen video screens in the bar)

Two new flat screen TV's have been put in the bar, new stools for a more comfortable stay, and a complete new tap system that no longer dispenses stale beer are among some of the new improvements that have taken place. The Lounge is now a solid three star drinking establishment.

Beyond the pool table, the area that was formerly used for video games (now up front and more accessable to all) is a video smoking / seating area, a flat screen will go there also.

The floors are still being worked on and will soon lend to the new mood already affected by the changes. More changes to come. I'd like to add that when I open the door every morning and see the difference in the appearance of the bar I feel very proud to work there.

The new Lotto Machines and the Quick Draw are not only bringing a new daily clientele but all the permanent bar tenders know how to use the new machines and allow you to purchase lottery tickets along with your favorite ice cold brew.

Instead of a jumbled mass of chaotic crap covering the green wood walls that was previously displayed by the old owner, we can see and experience neatness and order. No more sensory overload of unmatched junk taking up every inch possible. Now it's a pleasant and calm atmosphere of well placed items of interest that actually have a theme that a bar should have.

Props to the owner, Mr. E - it took a while and a few kicks in the butt, yet it's coming together nicely. Keep up the good work and success is yours. Proud of you boss, you're doing a great job.


Some American History - FYI

Well, Well, Well, somebody out there actually reads this blog. I always thought the audience that brought up this blog did it for the pictures (some of my fellow contributors believe that some of our readers may be illiterate and/or ignorant) but I think now is a great time for some very brief American History as it regards the most phenomenal Combined Arms Force in the History of Humankind, the UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS.

The Second Continental Congress was formed on May 10, 1775 to deal with the tyranny of the British Government in the American Colonies. Communication with the British was going nowhere fast. In fact the war with the British had begun, the American Revolution had already started with the Battles of Lexington and Concord. It was this Congress that oversaw the war and became the foundation of the Government of the United States.

That Congress appointed one of its members, George Washington of Virginia, General of the Continental Army. The revolution up until the autumn of 1775 was run in an ad-hoc half assed manner. The Congress (after Washington brought it up) had no powder, rifles, munition or other basics an Army would need to fight a war.

So Congress on 10 November 1775 appointed Robert Mullan, the proprietor of Tun Tavern and son of Peggy Mullan, to raise the first two battalions of Marines, under the leadership of Samuel Nicholas, the first appointed Commandant of the Continental Marines. Recruiting for the Marines took place at Tun Tavern, the best men with weapons, sea experience and aggresiveness were accepted.

(Rumors have it men were made drunk, rolled and beaten then put in a boat. When they woke from their head throbbing drunken stupors they were informed they were now 'Marines'....not much different than today) The Marine raid on Nassau in the Bahamas was the first amphibious raid by the Marines and it was a success that has gone down in the history of Naval Warfare.

Major Nicholas took his 234 Marines under sail from our Navy (formed after the Marines) capturing the Fort at Nassau within minutes and securing tons of gunpowder, cannon and other munitions for General George Washington's war effort in the Colonies. The rest is history. Wish they taught it to you in school.

This country as we know it may not have existed if a few bargoing men, good men, hard fighting men, did not go to sea to conquer a strategic and tactical post of the British Empire. All of us who are Marines take our service and responsibility as the First Sons and Daughters of Americas Warrior class seriously and with honor. We take our Citizenship as Americans just as seriously.

We are and forever will be "Semper Fidelis" (that is "Always Faithful)


References: Encyclopaedia Brittanica,, USMC - A Complete History, Colonel Jon T. Hoffman, USMCR, Editor

For You Who can't read or have this blog read to you, I include the following treat

And check this out!

Enjoy the history lesson and tell someone where you saw this if you can't e-mail the URL (the thing that starts "http://")

Semper Fidelis


Marine Corps Birthday Toast

I know what I said. I would never do this again at this place. But I was asked to do this by the Proprietors and Staff of The Broadway Lounge. It also helps that the owner is a Veteran of the United States Army. (No, I don’t hold it against him-not everyone was born to be Marine). When I was approached with this my eyes rolled and I shook my head, no.

But an old Army Master Sergeant who was there last year and despite how I thought things went, reminded me that a few Vets who did show up were quite moved by the observances. We toasted the President, The Armed Forces Veterans, Those Serving in Active Duty Around the World, The Marine Corps and a special observance For the Fallen and Prisoners of War.

We have Veterans who come into the Lounge regularly a Veteran Soldier with the 1st Air Cavalry (part of 7th Army – Custers Division), Airborne soldiers from the 82nd Airborne, 101st Airborne and the 173rd Airborne. We have Airmen who come in from time to time and a good number of Sailors. The Marines who come into the Lounge are so few, he can be counted on one hand.

Why do this? Because we take for granted that the Veterans from all conflicts from all branches all during the 20th Century have served and sacrificed on every level imaginable to make this country the greatest place in the world to live life as a free being. Some of them are our Dad’s, Uncle’s, Grandpa, Grandma, Mom, Auntie, Sister or Brother. Have you ever asked them about their service? What they went through?

On the Marine Corps Birthday we will share, observe and celebrate American Veterans and the Marine Corps. Most of you have no idea that we wouldn’t have a nation without the Corps. Before there was an America, there was a Marine Corps. I will post a lot about American History later. But now I want to give you something to think about.

Casualties in Iraq The Human Cost of Occupation Edited by Margaret Griffis :: Contact
American Military Casualties in Iraq
Date Total In Combat American Deaths

Since war began (3/19/03):

Since "Mission Accomplished" (5/1/03) (the list)

Since Capture of Saddam (12/13/03):

Since Handover (6/29/04):

Since Election (1/31/05):

American Wounded

Total Wounded:
Over 100000
Latest Fatality Oct. 1, 2008
Page last updated 10/3/08 11:55 am EDT
List of U.S. Servicemembers killed since 5/1/03
Put a Casualty Counter on Your Website

U.S. Wounded
Daily DoD Casualty Release
320,000 Vets Have Brain Injuries
War Veterans’ Concussions Are Often Overlooked
How Many Servicemembers Were Wounded?
18 Vet Suicides Per Day?

Iraqi Casualties

Other Coalition Troops - Iraq

US Military Deaths - Afghanistan

Other Military Deaths - Afghanistan

Contractor Deaths - Iraq

Sources: DoD, MNF, and

The Faces
The List
American Casualties
Iraqi Casualties
U.S. lacks mechanism to accurately track troops wounded in Iraq
Also see The Missing Wounded.

American Count
Dates and sources of Americans killed in Iraq since 5/1/03 are documented in this file. Admittedly the file is incomplete, for the Department of Defense does not maintain old records. All data was compiled from something is amiss in the data collection, please contact Margaret Griffis.


"The dangerous patriot...drifts into chauvinism and exhibits blind enthusiasm for military actions."
Colonel James A. Donovan, Marine Corps

Even if you were never served in the U.S. Armed Forces, please have the decency to come down and have a drink with someone who has. All Veterans are honored when a Citizen observes their service. Do come out and enjoy with this with those who have served.

"For those who fight for it, life has a flavor the protected will never know"
Written on a C-ration box by an Unknown Marine at the Battle of Khe Sahn, 1968

Comments welcome.



They Call Him the "Breeze"

Breezy Presents

Well its that time of year again... When beasts on bikes and girls on trikes go fill themselves with filet of swine at Breezy’s. No shit! A pig gets roasted and its always good food, good fun, good folks and a good cause. I know…its somehow not right using the word good to describe Breezy sometimes, but you gotta be there for this event.

When: Sunday, October 26th

Event: The Run
Where: Breezy’s House

22 W. Mineola Avenue
Valley Stream, NY
10:30 AM (in the morning)

Directions: Exit 15S off the Southern State Pkwy – One Mile to Mineola Avenue
Turn Right. It’s the 4th house on the Left.

Event: The Roast
Where: St. Stephen’s Pub
322 N. Central Avenue

Valley Stream, NY
Time 2:00 PM
Directions: Exit 13S off the Southern State Pkwy go ½ Mile on Central Avenue, St. Stephens is on the Right

This is a Toys for Tots Run & Benefit for the family of Anthony Esposito

It Goes On – Rain Or Shine

Get your sorry ass off the couch and be there!

Posted for Breezy


Broadway Lounge Announcements

Posted by/for Ruby

Just to keep everyone updated who hasn't been in to the "Broadway Lounge" to see the improvements that have been made:

1) The wall behind the bar has been brickfaced and looks so much better than the painted green wood that was there previously.

2) Two (2) flat screened television sets have been mounted over the bar on the right and left sides to insure coverage of all sporting events. That makes three TV's including the large screen in the right hand corner of the bar.

3) New stools along the left side of the bar (under the new shelf) for dart team seating and also providing a great view of the new flat screens over the bar. If you are playing darts or watching TV, you have a place to set your drinks.

4) Brand new one (1) inch slate covered in blue felt on the pool table. New pool sticks, plenty of chalk and still $1.00 per game. (Back story to follow regarding new slate)

5) Brand new Glycol system for taps, cooler and under bar repair (compressors were not changed since the bar was called "The Beverly Lounge" in the 1960's). Props to Richard Reisert (former owner of "Rafters" on Broadway in Hewlett for 25 years). If you need refrigeration repair - he is the man to call. (Yep, it's true. I wouldn't believe it either but he made it happen)

6) New flat screen TV in the back room with bench seating for "special events" which I have no knowledge of just yet.

You are going to have to see the improvements for yourself to believe them. I've been at this location for almost 3 years and it's never looked better than it does now. (I would also like to say that the previous prices have not changed either so we are probably the least expensive bar in the 5 Towns)

Don't forget about "Happy Hour" from 4:00 to 7:00 pm depending on how late the night bartender shows up. I have to say that Budweiser on tap at $2.00 a pint during "Happy Hour" works out to the customers benefit. "Coors Light" on tap at the same price also pays off for the customer during this time of financial insecurity in America. If you need to socialize with your friends, get out of the house, or just not drink alone, we are here for you so please come visit us at any time. Buy backs are still a rule after three (3) drinks. Happy Hour is still $1.00 of all tap beer, bottled beer, wine and rack liquor (Sorry, no buy backs during Happy Hour on those items but named brand liquor always is bought back after three (3) drinks).
Future events include:

Halloween Party - Friday, October 31, 2008
Free admission - Costume required - Prizes for best costumes (catagories included - see LOUNGE or ask night bartenders for details (516)599-9867)
From what I hear from others, this should be a blast.

In November "The Broadway Lounge" will be hosting their first Veterans Day Ceremony in honor of all Veterans, old and new, who have served this country by fighting for our freedom. Dave will be organizing this gathering so he will post details. I strongly suggest that all Americans (including everyone living in this country) show up for this event to express our appreciation to the people who fought and are currently fighting for our freedom. They deserve our respect. Without them we would not have the freedoms that we take for granted every day of our lives. Please make their day as important, or more important, than Halloween.

Thank You In Advance,

The Proprietors and Staff of The Broadway Lounge

Another New Bartender - But for how long....

This is a post by Ruby

(Edited for spelling and grammer)

Directed to the patrons of what was formerly 'the ancient dive'

The new bartender (a young well built black girl we’ll refer to as ‘Foxy’) is lovely on the outside. I have to admit that I was feeling fine by the time I left but I do not need a 23 year old woman/child telling me that I'm drunk.

Considering I left her a clean bar, (covered with dust and construction debris) a stocked bar, a perfect register and a bar full of paying patrons, I'm a little annoyed that "miss thing" thought I was drunk (I was tired-not drunk). She actually served me a glass of water on the advice of her friend, the farmer, sitting next to me. I'm sorry, I know she's younger than me, very attractive but in turn, she's not an attentive bartender.

When other people came in she was not exactly inviting towards them. Most of them being Hispanic even commented to me "en Espanol" that she was a "bandeja or "bitch towards them. But to her white boyfriend she was fine. "Corn Fed" didn't get it at all. He has no idea because he just wants a piece of Foxy’s ass (many other guys and some girls did too).

If I have lived twice as long as someone, have street smarts and generally can read people, I would say that she is cold and thinks she knows what she is doing regardless of the many errors she made. I was just trying to help her so she didn't look like an ass to everyone. Unwilling to take advice from a veteran bartender is the stupidest thing she could do. Some of us know the "Tavern" patrons and are willing to accept new people who come in the door. I don't see that happening with her.

Alienating good people is a sign of arrogance, indifference and ignorance. She is disrespectful and thinks she's better than everyone else. This apparent negativity and attitude could be a big mistake.

An Observation from Mr. Frenchy

SCHOOL -- 1957 vs. 2007

Scenario: Jack goes quail hunting before school, pulls into school parking lot with shotgun in gun rack.

1957 - Vice Principal comes over, looks at Jack's shotgun, goes to his car and gets his shotgun to show Jack.

2007 - School goes into lock down, FBI called, Jack hauled off to jail and never sees his truck or gun again. Counselors called in for traumatized students and teachers.

Scenario: Johnny and Mark get into a fistfight after school.

1957 - Crowd gathers. Mark wins. Johnny and Mark shake hands and end up buddies.

2007 - Police called, SWAT team arrives, arrests Johnny and Mark. Charge them with assault, both expelled even though Johnny started it.

Scenario: Jeffrey won't be still in class, disrupts other students.

1957 - Jeffrey sent to office and given a good paddling by the Principal. Returns to class, sits still and does not disrupt class again.

2007 - Jeffrey given huge doses of Ritalin. Becomes a zombie. Tested for ADD. School gets extra money from state because Jeffrey has a disability.

Scenario: Billy breaks a window in his neighbor's car and his Dad gives him a whipping with his belt.
1957 - Billy is more careful next time, grows up normal, goes to college, and becomes a successful businessman.

2007 - Billy's dad is arrested for child abuse. Billy removed to foster care and joins a gang. State psychologist tells Billy's sister that she remembers being abused herself and their dad goes to prison. Billy's mom has affair with psychologist.

Scenario: Mark gets a headache and takes some aspirin to school.

1957 - Mark shares aspirin with Principal out on the smoking dock.

2007 - Police called, Mark expelled from school for drug violations. Car searched for drugs and weapons.

Scenario: Pedro fails high school English.
1957 - Pedro goes to summer school, passes English, goes to college.

2007 - Pedro's cause is taken up by state. Newspaper articles appear nationally explaining that teaching English as a requirement for graduation is racist. ACLU files class action lawsuit against state school system and Pedro's English teacher. English banned from core curriculum. Pedro given diploma anyway but ends up mowing lawns for a living because he cannot speak English.

Scenario: Johnny takes apart leftover firecrackers from 4th of July, puts them in a model airplane paint bottle, blows up a red ant bed.

1957 - Ants die.

2007- BATF, Homeland Security, FBI called. Johnny charged with domestic terrorism, FBI investigates parents, siblings removed from home, computers confiscated, Johnny's Dad goes on a terror watch list and is never allowed to fly again.

Scenario: Johnny falls while running during recess and scrapes his knee. He is found crying by his teacher, Mary. Mary hugs him to comfort him.

1957 - In a short time, Johnny feels better and goes on playing.

2007 - Mary is accused of being a sexual predator and loses her job. She faces 3 years in State Prison. Johnny undergoes 5 years of therapy.

Mr. Frenchy said, "This is how stupid we have become! We are a bunch of socialized Americans moving into 'socializm'. We lost our freedoms to fear and our common sense to political correctness."

Mr. Frechy also said "I dare you to e-mail this to someone you know."