Bar Stories Wanted

Do you have a great bar story that you would like to see featured at 1762 Broadway?

Drop us an EMAIL with the juicy details to get it posted.


Thank You!!

I would like to personally thank all the regulars that came to visit me today at the "Tavern". It was nice to see you all again!! (I almost felt like a traitor for going back but thanks to some it feels okay. Also, I really needed the money and I needed to work. I was going a little nuts looking for employment elsewhere, nobody likes change. I hate it.)

FYI: I will be working Wednesday, Thursday and Friday days from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. (If I can, I will also do Mondays and Tuesdays if necessary in the near future, I'll talk it over with the "Mr. E", [the owner]. If it is okay with him I will let you all know) It would be nice to see more of you soon.

It feels weird but good to be at "home". The owner is really a nice guy and very personable. There will be no hard looks or nasty remarks from him. It's not his style. Plus, he's trying which is different from what we're used to. As overwhelming as it must be to make thing work (AC, etc.) in a place where things just didn't, I have faith that we will all be more comfortable soon.

Rumors of proper attire have been dispelled. Wear whatever you want (just be wearing clothes)!

I now realize that my anger and abandonment issues were misplaced. In the days following the sale of the tavern and the sneaky way the former owner's acted (not telling anyone was the worst way to handle the situation, some notice would have been nice), I may have taken out my feelings on someone who didn't deserve it (the new owner). For that, I must apologize. I acted immaturely and said some things I shouldn't have. I feel like an idiot for saying/writing some of those things, but other things I'm kind of glad I said. Certain people needed to know how their behavior can effect other people's lives and livelihood. I guess that only time can be the teacher. Learning good character is harder for some than others. Okay, no more on that subject.

Again, thank you to everyone that came in and to those who will come back in the future. It can only become a better place to be. We've already seen how it wasn't.



RRRRRRRR said...

This was my first posting since being invited to write for the blog. I just hope I did it correctly and didn't offend any fictional characters. Is it too tacky to comment on your own post? I'm not sure now.

Reuben James said...

You were very nice and your initial feelings were not misplaced given the devious manner in which things were owner is responible for all the goings on in his 'establishment'.