Bar Stories Wanted

Do you have a great bar story that you would like to see featured at 1762 Broadway?

Drop us an EMAIL with the juicy details to get it posted.


The Ultimate Backstab

I received the following email from Robin:

Dear valued customers, beloved patrons, it just doesn't feel right saying those things because I am not the owner of The Corner Tavern so I will just speak the truth from my soul.
Here's the deal.....Bossman, dickhead that he is and always will be, has sold the bar to G-d knows who without giving any notice to anyone.  Staff, customers, no one knew until the day before the takeover.  It truly saddens me that nobody got the chance to protest.  I know that a few of us would have begged, borrowed and stole to acquire this dump.  Even as a joint effort it would have been a success because we actually care about this place.  It could have become such a better place if only we were given the chance to acquire it.  Just as it was in the past, although it was called something else, it would have been more community oriented and a meeting place for events (like a starting place for holiday parades), sort of a VFW post with booze.  As a member of the staff, loyal but part time, I am so annoyed that even the day before the change of management I was not informed.  I even put the Bossman on the spot by going down to the basement to ask for a certain liquor and upon seeing him packing everything up down there and asking him outright, "Are you moving or something?", he smiled and said, "No, I am just getting rid of some stuff because of insurance reasons.  I should have done it when it was neat, but I didn't so I'm doing it all at once".  That's when I realized that it was all over for our Corner.  He didn't even tell the bar manager straight out but after she was tipped off by a close friend of hers, she put it together.  A woman with intuitive thoughts is a very smart woman.
Anyway, whatever happens to our home away from home, we (the bartenders),  would all like you to know that we tried really hard to make the bar a place people wanted to hang out in, a comfortable place where you all could be yourselves and relax and most of all we tried to make it a place that you could call your own.  Sorry about the end result but we had no control or knowledge of any sale or we would have acted and probably obtained the business due to the group effort of all of us, staff and patron alike, sort of like a military troupe, all for one and one for all.  It probably would have been really successful for all.
You are all wonderful people and great patrons.  Personally, I received nothing but respect from most of you and from some I received some life lessons given in horn dog speak (which I understand).  And for all of this, dirty and clean,  I would like to thank you for patronizing this establishment while I was on shift even though the owner was a shit.  We will try to inform you guys of all our whereabouts so that maybe you'll come see us elsewhere. 
Friday is probably my last day although if I can stay longer with the new management I will ($$).  Seriously, how many jobs can I lose in a 15 day period?  What a bitch life is, huh?  Everything falls apart at once, I am living proof of that.  My motto, "Trust No One".  It's becoming clear that I should live by my own motto.  Sad but true.
Anyway, I'll miss you guys and I'll miss that bar.  Life goes on.
Later guys,


Anonymous said...

When there is no integrity, there is no accountability. To the bartenders: I love you guys and hope that the new owner doesn't take out the poor past results on you.

We, the 'regulars' know the truth...
you bartenders made it work despite the owner.

Until we meet again....take care.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the "props". We need to hear positive things right now. We all feel betrayed and dejected by the old owner and the new one.