Bar Stories Wanted

Do you have a great bar story that you would like to see featured at 1762 Broadway?

Drop us an EMAIL with the juicy details to get it posted.



Dear Loyal Friends,
You are not going to believe this one........
Shirley went to the bar today to speak to the owner about getting some work (swallowing her pride, of course, because we are all broke due to naivete).  The door was locked so she knocked on it and who do you think appeared?  It was the newbie, Jamie.  It turns out that she knew all along that the bar was being sold because her boyfriends' (?) (he's 36 and she's 19) friend bought it.  I'm so sorry and I feel terrible for bringing this two faced bitch into our territory.  But at least she's working, right?  Remember, it's all about Jamie.  She said so.
Being the mature woman that I am (lol), I had to call her (Jamie) and ask her how she could screw me over like that (For real, she knew about it and smiled in my face anyway).  She replied that she only knew a day before Shirley or I knew and that she was sorry about us losing our jobs.  I then spoke to the owner and he stated that they would be open at night and doing renovations during the day, he had his own people (including fat ass) and if they didn't work out he'd consider Shirl and I for employment.  I regretfully declined his generous offer (sarcasm) and informed him that keeping Jamie (I know, I know, the white trash is showing, I apologize to all of you) was not good business move. I also let him know that she was a horrible bartender, suffers from ADD and was hardly trainable due to her self-centered chatter, she alienated the regular customers and was just a complete snot to everyone and so were her anti-social "friends".  I also stated that Shirl and I had a loyal following and they probably wouldn't patronize his establishment as regulars (maybe I've overstepped my boundaries but you guys are like family to us. I hope to not look like an ass if you decide to drink there [yes, this is America and you have the right to drink anywhere] but I'm hoping you don't due to your own morals and values regarding your loyalties.  Face it, it won't be the same and if it will help we will buy some booze, meet somewhere and serve it you guys in gold chalices [lol]).  You can get a beer anywhere, it's the company that counts.
If the regulars don't patronize the establishment due to the back stabber, who will be on Thursday and Friday nights, maybe, eventually, we can get our home back.  After all, crappy as it was, there's no place like home  (Disclaimer:  I would never wish anything bad to happen to anyone, even a stranger, but if it shouldn't work out for them, well, you get the idea).
Anyway, as for the unforgiven and betrayed staff, minus the one big mouthed Benedict Arnold,  will be trying to acquire a new home for our people.  We would like to create our own tavern, jointly owned (with enthusiastic financing by a few loyal patrons of our former home) and managed fairly.  We are diligently looking for a property in the area, so if anyone has any ideas please contact me at <> .  If you would like to be involved in ownership we would be eternally grateful.  I know we could make it a successful endeavor for all involved. Just a place to come after work or whenever where you can wind down in a comfortable atmosphere after a long day at work.   Also, there would be no walking on eggshells or leaving when a boss came in.  Uncomfortable is not our favorite feeling and it's a proven fact that when Jack walked in the bar the air became full of tension.  He disliked a lot of people for reasons I can't understand and this continued even after it was explained to him that his customers were his livelihood.  I think there is a mental illness named after this trait I just don't care what it's called.  I try to stay away from bad karma like his, it's bad for your health.
On a personal note, the feeling of betrayal is overwhelming.  Shirley is a mess and I feel like dirt because I brought this person in (I had no idea, she comes off so innocently. Then again, she's only 19 years old although her ID says she's 23.  She'll learn, I'll see to it or better yet her maker will)   I'm so sorry but if it's the only thing I do with the rest of my life I will make sure that we can all hang out again, as the family I feel we've become.  Only then can I atone for the sin of "sleeping with the enemy" (No, not literally.  Stop imagining it, ewww [do I know you guys or what?]).
Feel free to e-mail me at the above link to talk, voice your opinion, offer advise and/or hopefully commit to our quest to acquire and operate a new place that we can call our own.  I hope to hear from you all but until then "Go with G-d", Semper Fidelis, later skaters or, in the words of a famous speaker or mumbler we all know and put up with, "Fuck em' all". 
We will miss every single one of you. That is, until we meet again. <With Much Love and Respect,
Robin &
 Shirley (she really doesn't know about this letter but is getting credit for creating it because she is truly a good friend to me and all of you plus she feels so betrayed she can't express it)
Jack said we could put his picture below: (Yes, that's a donkey or Jackass as he is primarily known as)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let me know how I can help. Robin has my number and e-mail address. I can be reached at

The snobbery is also in the clientele that came in the first night Jaime appeared - that whole pseudo-sophisticated stuck up bitches who thought they were better than the crowd leaves a lingering memory.

See the past blog post "New Bartender"

If past history is a teacher, Treachery is always rewarded with evil.