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Another Costume Party

Halloween at the "Lounge"

This is a post by Ruby

Edited by RJ

The 1st Halloween at the "Lounge". Wow!! That's what I've been hearing about Mr. E's party.

For me however, it was an exciting mix of cleaning everything possible in the bar as best as I could (OCD is somewhat useful sometimes) putting up some of the decorations with Mr. E (I had fun, especially with the back room, the black lights made the glow in the dark stuff look great), and making sure that the bartenders that worked had everything they could possibly need at hand.

The DJ arrived around the time my relief did and set himself up in the kitchen. Mr. E had it mostly cleaned out for them but he had to leave to take his kids trick-or-treating and then get ready for the party. Thankfully, due to his communicating to me what he wanted, I kind of had an idea what to do. Mr. E was satisfied with my efforts to help out. By around 8:00 some people started arriving. An hour later, the second bartender arrived.

Although I hadn't considered staying for the party and had no costume, Mr. E had previously asked me that day to stay and hang out. I was thinking about it when I realized that it was 9:00 and I had been at the bar working since 11:00 a.m. I guess at my age, exhaustion, both physical and mental, catch up with you at some time and that was my time.

On Monday morning (after the party) I walked into the bar and I just wanted to turn around, lock the door and leave. Of course I would never do this but the urge was there. And there I was, preparing this business to operate, it was unfit to sit in, let alone drink. I spent all day (again) cleaning, stocking and taking down Halloween decorations. I really had no customers but I got the place back to the way I left it on Friday.

OCD is a great tool to the anally obsessive but it is also a mindfucking burden due to the guilt I would have to deal with if I didn't look after 'bar logistics' (stocking, restocking, checking maintenance items, machinery, games and cleaning.)

That being said when my Monday night relief came in (she worked the party) and told me how crowded it was and how much fun everyone had. I'm glad everyone had fun, there were no problems and the bar made some money. Maybe one of these days I'll share in the abundance. Until then I will do what I do to help my boss and fellow employees during special events.

Its great when things work out for those special events but even more important to keep our regulars happy. Our 'regulars' need a place where they feel relaxed and comfortable, a place they can bring their buddies. With that said I hope that I can get some cooperation from them for a very special upcoming event that RJ and I have really worked hard at promoting........Monday, November 10th - the 233rd Marine Corps Birthday/Veterans Day tribute.

This is going to be a wonderful celebration, an event to honor our Veterans of War, POW's, fallen soldiers and all branches of the Armed Services. Most of all it is an observance of the Marine Corps Birthday. I hope to do this respectfully and with class. I've invited as many people as I could find, a lot of older Veterans and their families and would like to pay tribute to them with a bit of dignity involved.

They need to know that they have our respect and thanks for all that they have done for this country. Without them where would we be? So, as a favor to the bar owner, employees and the many patrons who are Veterans, let's not get stupid. After RJ presentsthe ceremony for our warriors, Veterans, POW/MIA's and the fallen, we can cut loose and party. I hope to see everyone, including civilians, that are aware of this event there.

Take Care All


1 comment:

SD said...

How about some pics from the party???