Bar Stories Wanted

Do you have a great bar story that you would like to see featured at 1762 Broadway?

Drop us an EMAIL with the juicy details to get it posted.


Request Granted

I got a request from formerly pregnant Lily:

Thanks for the blogspot entry about Meghan (correct spelling of her name). Um, the reason for my e-mail to the blog is to request a new name for me, even though I won't be around for sometime but to maybe pop my head in to say hey because of tending to my motherly duties (of course) but I was thinking that Id like to keep the Lily part of it all because of my name being a flower and all but obviously I am no longer Pregnant and wont be for at least another year and a half to two years. So my request is to be referred to as Miss. Lily until I become prego again. LOL! Hope that my request is fulfilled and not a problem. I miss you all and hope to be pop'in in there just to say a quick hi soon. Labor was definitely something that I will never forget and ended with a slice to my belly to get my beautiful bundle of joy out into the world. All I can say is that all the pain in the world is well worth the wait of such a precious living creature I now have to call my daughter. Will send a pic when I can. Give a hey to the crew at the CT and keep the entries flow'in.
Miss. Lily

Well, request granted Miss Lily. Glad to hear you and Meghan are doing well. I am sure all of the 1762 crowd echoes my sentiment. Hope to see that pic really soon, posted right here if you give the green light. And hope to see you at the dive as well. Happy Holidays, Baby's First Christmas and all that good stuff!

1 comment:

Reuben James said...

So glad mom and child are well. Nice to see that your getting positive requests. The world is a large place, I'm somewhere in it.

Take care.